Wade Bradshaw

Candidate for Board of Supervisors Ward 1

Wade Bradshaw is a native Nevadan. Born in Carson City, Wade moved with his family to Tonopah, NV in 1981. where he attended school and participated in various sports through his graduation from Tonopah High School in 1990. Wade and his family returned to Carson City, where he earned his Associates Degree from Western Nevada College in Electronics, graduating with honors.

Diploma in hand, Wade accepted a position, as an Electronic Claims Coordinator. with First Health Services Corporation, the Fiscal Agent for the State of Nevada Medicaid. There, he was essential part of developing a system enabling Medicaid Providers to bill claims electronically. Following the implementation of this streamlined system, he and his team traveled throughout the state of Nevada to provide training to Medicaid providers about the new, automated system. While employed full time at First Health Services Corporation, Wade enrolled at the University of Phoenix where he earned a bachelor’s degree in Information Technology.

Currently, Wade Bradshaw is employed with Bently Nevada as an Electronics Technician in Minden, NV. His leadership skills, dedication, and expertise has been fully utilized within the company. Wade’s proven ability to communicate and draw in his fellow employees together has served him well. One of the many attributes he will bring to the Supervisory Board Members meeting table.

“I want to serve the community. This is my hometown. During my adolescence, my parents owned and operated The Butcher Block, a full-service deli & catering service in Tonopah. I saw the hard work and dedication we, as a family, put into it for years. I have a deep amount of respect for small business owners and support the economic diversity that we have here in Carson City. I want to keep Carson City charming.”

Wade is now eager to start knocking on doors, introducing himself to the people of Carson County, listening to their concerns, and earning their support for his candidacy for Board of Supervisors Ward 1. With his sensible innovations, determination to return the community to normalcy, and dedication to hard work, Wade is certain that he will provide Carson City the breath of fresh air it needs so that we can continue to thrive as a community.

Wade Bradshaw, Carson City, Nevada

  • Public Safety – We must continue to support local law enforcement and emergency services. Having a safe community attracts families into the area and creates a prosperous community where we can all thrive together.
  • Growth – Carson City is growing. We must strive to maintain a growth rate that does not exceed our natural resources within the community.
  • Master Plan – We have an issue with mixed use zones within Carson City. This can create problems within the community where residents end up with undesirable businesses in their backyard. Let’s keep Carson City charming!